Fight back against the dice men with a very peculiar set of skills!

NOTE: The jam version of this game can be played by downloading v0.6 below.


  • Defeat enemies to clear waves while getting scored based on your progress.
  • Fill the kick meter by hitting enemies with your punches.
  • Launch stored rockets by unleashing your kick move.
  • Pick up and let dice fall for various effects.
  • For a list of dice effects, see the in-game "Rules & Credits" menu.


MovementWASD, Arrow keysLeft thumbstick
PunchLeft Mouse, SpacebarX
KickRight Mouse, FY
Roll DieMouse Wheel Click, EB
Confirm (Menu)Left Mouse, SpacebarA


This is an entry to the Gamemaker's Toolkit Game Jam of 2022.
It was a solo venture. On account of this, I used quite a bit of free and purchased assets to make sure I was able to achieve my goal within the time frame of the jam.

Known Issues:

  • On rare occassions the player will move without input. Frantically pressing movement inputs usually solves this.
  • On rare occassions launched rockets will fail and stay motionless on the ground.
  • During later waves, it is possible to get pushed out of the level if the enemies crowd the player for a longer period of time.
  • Cursor sometimes remains visible during gameplay.

Full credits can be found within the game menu.


Royal Gamble (v0.7) - Win 66 MB
Royal Gamble (v0.6) - Win 66 MB

Development log

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